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[알고스팟] DRUNKEN - 음주 운전 단속 (C++, 플로이드-와샬)
문제 https://algospot.com/judge/problem/read/DRUNKEN algospot.com :: DRUNKEN Drunken Driving 문제 정보 문제 As the holiday season approaches, the number of incidents caused by Driving While Intoxicated (known as DWI) increases rapidly. To prevent this, the city of Seoul has proclaimed a war against drunken driving. Every day, algospot.com 풀이 종만북 난이도: 중 알고스팟 사이트에는 영문의 문제로 나와있어 당황했지만 종만북의 문제와 동일한 문제가 맞다. ..
알고리즘 공부/알고스팟
2021. 5. 16. 19:27